
Amrishbhai R. Patel School


Rules and Regulations

  • Punctuality is essential at all-times and students who contravene this rule without a valid reason will be penalised. Students who come late to school are liable to be sent home.
  • Story books or periodicals from outside should be brought to school unless approved by the class teacher/subject teacher.
  • The school does not accept the responsibility for the loss of student’s books, pens, money etc. Each student is responsible for his/her own belongings.
  • Silence must be observed in the school during class hours and also while leaving the school.
  • Chewing of gum is prohibited on the school premises.
  • No collection of money school be made without the sanction of the principal.
  • The Principal reserves the right to suspend or dismiss any student if his/her behaviour to the school authorities not only for their conduct in the school, but also for their general behaviour outside. Any reported or observed objectionable conduct out of school on the part of the student would make them liable for disciplinary action.
  • The entry of parents into school premises will not be permitted without the parents entry pass.
  • Severe action will be taken by the school authorities if any damage is done to the school property by any student.
  • The student will be suspended or dismissed due to his/her misbehaviour and will have to undo the damage down.
  • Every student shall endeavour to keep up the good name of the school by his/her manners and department.
  • If any of the above rules are not adhered to the student will have to bear the consequences.

Leave and Absence

  • No leave of absence is granted except for serious reasons and only on previous written intimation by the parent or guardian in the leave record page provided in this diary.
  • When a child is ill for a prolonged period the parent/Guardian must write and inform the Principal . A medical certificate school accompany the letter.
  • Unauthorised absence from school for a month or more renders a student’s name liable to be struck off the roll.
  • Except on duly certificated grounds, no extension of vacation in allowed.
  • No Student will be allowed to leave the school for a part of the day unless a note in the diary signed by the parent/guardian is produced, stating a valid reason. The principal will then decide whether to grant the permission or not.
  • Medical appointments should be taken after school hours, unless there is an emergency.
  • Students who are absent for periodic tests or Continuous Comprehensive Evaluations may not be eligible for academic prizes and awards.
  • No retest will be taken.